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John Kenyon

Thanks for the link. Having listened a few more times, I can say that Prairie Wind is growing on me... a little. I'll stand by my criticism, however. If this wasn't a Neil Young disc, I likely wouldn't put this much effort into trying to like it. But because it is Neil Young, I expected better, and know he is capable of more. Or rather, hope that he is.

Amen on your last point, and let me add Zuma and Live Rust.


And add Rust Never Sleeps.

IMHO, Prairie Wind will be like Greendale. It'll take some time for folks to come to terms with the CD.

A classic? No. But, hey, look these other Neil albums mentioned. A good Neil Cd is usually far better than most artists best stuff.

Keep on Rockin!
ps - great blog

Kevin Holtsberry

As a "raving right winger" it might seem odd but I love Neil Young too. I haven't kept up with his music lately, however, so you have inspired me to check out his latest.

Dan Green

Not odd at all. He's had his right-wing phases himself.

Jimmy Beck

At the risk of being obvious, I'd pull for After the Gold Rush.

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