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Ray Davis

Your reservations certainly seem supported by Vendler's having chosen as her canonical "scholar" an aesthetic hedonist who notoriously did *not* work in the academy.


Well, should we study literature in college or not? And if not, why not?

You seem to imply that we shouldn't, that at best it's beside the point and at worst ultimately destructive. Is that your position?

(Personally I think the question brings with it a lot of unexamined assumptions, such as the importance of universities in cultural life generally. My answer is 'that's the wrong question to ask'. But that's me, not you.)


Dan Green

"Well, should we study literature in college or not? And if not, why not?
You seem to imply that we shouldn't, that at best it's beside the point and at worst ultimately destructive. Is that your position?"

That is actually pretty close to my position. What has academic literary study done for literature, really? Succeeded in putting it at the heart of the curriculum? Made it more accessible to more people? Created generations of well-read graduates? At the moment, the reigning assumption of literary study is that it's not much worth studying at all except to help score political points. Would literature be worse off if we didn't have literature professors?

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